Thursday, June 2, 2011
Testing the GenCon Live Stream
At some point tonight or tomorrow, I'm going to be testing the Live Stream setup I intend to use for GenCon.

It will be on my account which you can find here. I want to see with my current setup how well it works and if I need to make adjustments, whether it be the camera or the actual connection itself.

If this works, then the only things left to do is get approval from Bandai (as in, they'll let me do this, provide me with a spot + extension chord, and an able body, preferably Andy or Tylar, to watch the setup in between rounds to make sure no one swipes it) and get approval from GenCon also as they have a policy that says I have to go through them and get approval for any live on site filming or streaming.

Wish me luck and hope this works correctly the first time. If it works, you can expect to see this setup work at any event I go to from here on out.

Edit: Okay so everything except the bit rate is good and I'm not 100% sure the audio is working but what we do have that works is pretty good. I have a really nice dual camera setup where people are able to see the players and the people sitting behind the laptop. Text overlay works. Need someone to help me make some backgrounds as well as some banners (That means you Nick). Once we know for sure that works, all that's left is to get one of those fun wireless cards from Verizon to use at GenCon. Shouldn't be too hard.

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