Monday, August 29, 2011
New York SJC Coverage Confirmed!
We will be doing coverage of the Shonen Jump Championship in New York (with some minor hang ups).

This will either be in the form of text updates or a Livestream. We will have the Livestream there however I was told by the owner of the venue that everyone would have to sign a consent form to do so which seems somewhat preposterous but if that is what has to be done in the name of coverage, so be it.

What do you guys think about this?


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Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Missed our GenCon Coverage?
Don't worry! You can rewatch the stream as well as the top 16 matches @ our Justin.TV page.

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Monday, August 1, 2011
The REAL Perfect Curve Set 22 Final Preview: KAGE MANE NO PROTECTION JUTSU!

Sometimes you hand out staff writers previews. And sometimes those staff writers forget to preview them. So in those times, we just put up the last preview and let you admire it yourself. Our last preview isn't anywhere as mind blowing as the functional reprint of Giant Vortex Jutsu but it is still a really solid 2 drop that I expect many Earth decks to be using post rotation. The ability to protect a Ninja from Damage during either players Mission Phases or EOJ for 1 chakra is a pretty potent ability.

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