Sunday, March 14, 2010
Things Tsu Thinks (3/14/10)
So the Perfect Curve is about a month old now and we have a decent amount of readers and for that I want to thank you guys. Just keep checking back often. We do have interviews, previews, and exclusive features for you guys once Set 17 Previews get underway from Bandai. Also, don't forget about our EDH Tournament that will be at GenCon Indy this year. Rules for the format are still being decided so suggestions are welcome so that we can make the event run as smoothly as possible. No more of this 3 v 3 canceled at the last second crap.

Bandai has been on the fritz lately. I don't really know what's going on there nor do I care since I've been too busy playing Final Fantasy XIII. Like way too much. My eyelids seriously feel like they're going to fall off from playing it so much. I'm 33 hours in and I've only had the game for like... what... 4 or 5 days now? That's a lot no matter how you look at it. Because of this, our Rotisserie Draft was postponed so sorry about that guys and gals.

Also suffering from it is my deck. The All Things Fun Chunin is next weekend and I have no idea what to play. So far for people I have heard who are coming are Matt Eisenbud and his group, Squee and his group, Shino's Dad and his group, Andrew, and then myself and the players at my store so... it'll be a reasonably difficult event to try to win I would think. Yup yup. Still wandering around aimlessly for what deck to play even after having tested with and against pretty much everything under the sun. There's just no clear cut winner of a deck this format which is actually a good thing cause it would mean Bandai did a pretty spectacular job of balancing the game. Even Lightning decks are kicking some serious @$$ in our test games. Females seem weak still but they've snagged out a win or two as well so that's definitely viable, as long as you're not playing it with Rules for Medical. That's a sure fire way to get your head handed to you because of the lost speed/chakra.

The prizing for the event is supposed to be Set 15 or Set 16. The last thing I need is to go through all this testing and then win and get handed a box of Approaching Wind or something dumb like that.

Anyways, I've got nothing to do today except navigate Lightning through giant castles and large fields. For the love of God, someone find something for me to do today.

Perhaps I'll download this:


-Tsu post signature

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Blogger Josh said...
I lit your stuff on fire because you called MediCali a bad deck.

Blogger Tsu Kiyo Me said...
You still have my stuff? You realize that I need it by Friday right?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I gameflyed FFXIII and just finished Disc 1 considering clicking the keep button for it but will wait for the price to go down a bit mainly because all the games on the special trade in list to the game $20 at gamestop are ones I wanna keep.

Anonymous Mike Alpers said...
Rules of MedicALPERS is a bad card?? WTF?!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
How can female survive without rules? Female has the worst early game of any deck, and you need the 4+ effect to stop the opponent from rushing you for game...

Anonymous Mike Alpers said...
Well, a proper medic deck has one built in surprise. I will just say this; I win by turn 4 unless you have ten br by then (94& of the time).

Blogger Tsu Kiyo Me said...
Just played against a Medic/Female deck last night. I still stand by my statement that it doesn't need Rules to win.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
it's true, rules is not the best card in medical...but its still hella good a lot of the time

Anonymous Anonymous said...
MJM here:

Andrew, Nick, and everyone else? Wow this is going to be HUGE...

I have my deck all made and ready... 3 Tobi already, thanks to Final Valk... What about you Pat?

Also, two of Bandai's best card makers coming together? Nick and I have GOT to meet.

Blogger Josh said...
The quality of Rules is greatly dependent on the build.

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